Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009

Vocab final is Thursday
Be ready to ready your piece to the class.

Reviewed vocabulary
Shared pieces

From the beginning of this last unit, I explained to the students that I wanted them to write something that others should read/hear.  I am using the sharing time for that purpose.  I am recording what they read, but I am not posting individual files like I did in the beginning of the year.  I might post the whole class as one file, or I might not.  I will see how it goes.  I mostly just want them to get up and share their piece. I am recording it because I have missed capturing some great pieces in the past!

If they read over 2 minutes and 30 seconds, I will give them an A+, 2:00 is an A, 1:45 is a B, 1:30 is a C, 1:15 is a C-, 1:00 is a D, and :45 is a D-.  One student today actually stopped at 30 seconds.  We encouraged her to read a little more.  The time they have to read is not a surprise for the students.