Students need to return the signed syllabus sheet.
I introduced students to "Tell Me Something Good." Each day I like to start the class by hearing about the positive things in the students' lives. I have a student type these up as we go. Lat year I collected about 2000 good things. This way we have a list we can go to if we want to see something positive. We also get to know each other and begin to care about each other. I will post the list when it gets longer.
I tested the students by making them list the positive behaviors I expect and the negative behavior I do not want to see in my classroom. Since we discussed them yesterday in depth and they read over the syllabus with their parents, they should have done well. They did OK. I will test them again tomorrow and really see if they understand my expectations.
Tomorrow we will be writing a diagnostic piece for the State. It has to be done, so I figured I would get it out of the way.