All classes have quiz 15 on Friday.
Sections 2 & 3 were to have finished the first set of questions on the wiki.
- We spent some time working in book discussion groups today.
- I am asking that students write longer answers for the second set of questions which is due Monday, May 19.
- I am thinking five lines as of right now.
Section 1 seems to be struggling with the assignment below. I told the students it would be best if they worked on this tonight. Many did not bother to take the book home.
Common Core Standard 8.R.L.3 Key Ideas and Details: Analyze how particular
lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal
aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
Pages ______ - _______
Briefly summarize what happens in this section of the text.
Example from the text
Explain (including
how it fits into what we have read so far)
Find a line of dialogue that propels the action
Find an incident that propels the action
Find a line of dialogue said by a character. What qualities do we learn about
that character from that quote?
Find a meaningful incident. What do we learn about the character
as a result of the incident?
Find a line of dialogue that provokes a
decision by a character. Explain
the decision and why it was made?
Find an incident that provokes a decision
by a character. Explain the
decision and why it was made?