Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Sections 3 and 4:
AR due Friday
Pages 158 and 160 in the vocab book

Section 1:
Finish units 20 and 21 in book.
AR is due (I have put the second AR on the grade to inspire them to get it done.)
The last little piece of writing is due by the end of class Friday.  See below.
I am practicing the close reading method that the Common Core requires.

Name __________________________

How would you explain Poe’s writing style to someone who is about to read him for the first time?

Figurative language

Sentence structure

Choice of topic
Plot structure

Read The Cask of Amontillado. 
On the first read, establish the plot, the characters, and the setting. Read straight through to the end.  Maybe you want to underline or circle words or phrases that tripped you up. 

On the second read, take the time to look up the words you don’t know.  Read section by section making sure you understand what is going on.  If you understand the story, this second read can be used for some examination of the writer’s techniques.  Start looking for sections that will help you support your explanation of Poe’s style.

The third read should be focused on those sections you want to study in depth.  Are there lines of dialogue or a lines of description that embody Poe’s style?  Are there things about this story that you have seen in other stories we have read?  Start looking at the notes you have made in the margins.  What connections are you making? 

I would like the piece to be about 300 words, typed, single spaced, Times New Roman size 12.  It is due on Friday or e-mailed soon after.