Monday, April 22, 2013

Homework- (Let's try that again)

Section 1:
Vocab pages 127, 128, 145, and 146
Finish conflict and relationship chart. (See below.)
How are those conflicts resolved?
Here is a link to the play online.

Sections 3 and 4:
Vocabulary pages 107 and 108

In section 1 we are studying The Diary of Anne Frank.  I am exploring the ideas from this essay on the controversy of studying the Diary of Anne Frank.  The gist is simply studying the journal or the play alone is not enough.  The story should be used as a stepping stone to studying the Holocaust.  The play, especially, does not contain enough depth about the true horror of what happened to the Jews and others.  For that reason, we are studying other sources.  Today we read an excerpt from story told by a girl who knew Anne in the concentration camp. Today's story focused on the concentration camp aspect of Anne's story that is not in the diary.  We have also begun watching the Masterpiece Theatre version of the Anne Frank story.  It is a BBC production with a great web page!  Read are reading the interview with the screenwriter bit by bit.  There are some interesting production notes.  Today we read how this production was one of the few that has the endorsement of the foundation representing the diary.  The TV story is different in many ways from the play. The notes say that this productions is the truest portrayal of Anne yet.  The video is online.


Masterpiece Theatre Anne Frank

Dear Kitty


 This is the relationship chart and conflict chart.  A diary is a series of narrative.  You can't simply act them out and call it a play.  The same goes for a TV movie.  There needs to be a story with characters.  There needs to be tension with a rising action.  We will be discussing the conflicts between characters.  What decisions did the playwrights and the screenwriter make as they created their versions of the story?