Tuesday, February 05, 2013

We are staring "The Bet"

The first AR test is due by February 20.
There will be a vocab quiz on the words below next week, probably Monday.

Before reading The Bet, on a separate sheet of paper, do the following.

In about three sentences or so, explain your thoughts on these statements.
1.   There are things in the world more valuable than money.
2.   Money can buy happiness.
3.   The love of money is the root of all evil.
4.   Eye for an eye- if you kill, you are killed.
5.   Solitary confinement is a humane punishment.  Days? Weeks? Months? Years?

I believe that money can buy happiness.  Money can buy happiness because …..  Another reason money can buy happiness is ….

Vocabulary for The Bet

1.   A Priori-
a.    Definition
b.   Sentence fragment from the story
2.   Obsolete-
3.   Immoral-
4.   Humane-
5.   Incessantly-
6.   Capricious-
7.   Rapture-
8.   Erudite-
9.   Haphazardly-
10.  Emaciation-
11.  Ethereal-
12.  Sirens-
13.  Pipes of Pan-
14.  Abysses-
15. Posterity
16.  Stipulated-
17.  Renunciation-