Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The poems are due tomorrow.

Here is the rubric for section 1:

Rubric for your Poems
100 points

(20) ____  Sound devices:
           Rhyme, Assonance, Rhythm, Repetition, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia
           I suggest you write a little something on a separate sheet to prove it.
(20) ____ Figurative language: 
          Include similes, metaphors, and/or personification
          I suggest you write a little something on a separate sheet to prove it.
(10) ____ How would you illustrate this? 
         Make it look pretty!
(30) ____ Yours must have 200 total syllables:
         Put number after EACH line and total at end
         300 syllables is 100% in this section.
(20) ____ You will read your ballad to the class Wednesday:
         Put number after EACH line and total at end