Monday, October 15, 2012

Tell Me Something Good!

Pages 40 + 41 vocab.
Please see the calendar for all this week's due dates.

Tell Me Something Good
Do you spend too much time thinking about the things that are going wrong in your life?

Take a look at this list and see if you can find some good!  Sometimes, being happy for others is OK.  The world is not all about us!

Check out this page for the list we compile each day.  It is on my website .

Indefinite Pronouns:
Here are the sentences we studied today.

Lesson 8: Indefinite-Pronoun Agreement
Copy these sentences:

·     Everyone added his or her favorite item to the capsule.
·     One of the girls put her soccer ball in the box.

·     Many contributed their favorite CDs or video games.
·     Few realized that their electronics may become completely outdated.

·     Some of the time capsule looks like it is very old.
·     Some of the time capsules list their contents outside.

Ex. A page 78

1.   Everyone likes to think that (he or she, they) will leave a mark on the world.
2.   We all want to create something, and we hope (it, they) will outlive us.
3.   Some take an unusual approach; for (him or her, them), a time capsule is the answer.
4.   Anyone who assembles a time capsule hopes that (he or she, they) can send a message to the future.
5.   Each of the people who planned the time capsule at the New York World’s Fair in 1939 had (his or her, their) opinion about what should go in it.
6.   What did all of those experts finally agree on?  (He or she, They) put nineteen items in the capsule.
7.   Most of the items would be familiar to us today.  (They, IT) included an alarm clock, a safety pin, and a dollar bill.
8.   However, none of the people knew at the time that (his or her, their) slide rules would become outdated in just a few decades.
9.   One of California’s tar pits acts as a time capsule because (it, they) contains people’s throwaways.
10.               Although time capsules often remain sealed for decades, few are meant to keep (their, its) treasures hidden for as long as the Crypt of Civilization.  Completed in 1940, it is meant to last until the year 8113!