Monday, May 14, 2012

Rough draft due Friday

The rough draft of this essay is due Friday.  It should be about 500-700 words.  I have talked about this enough last week and the week before. 

There is a quiz on unit 14 this Friday. I will be doing the vocab in class so students can use their time at home to write. 

The Autobiography of You
What is the theme of your autobiography?
(Think of it as the one quick statement that sums you up.)
Ex. You can’t spend your life just watching the world go by!

Person, Event, Quality (be consistent)

Person, Event, Quality

Person, Event, Quality

Person, Event, Quality

Largest Person, Event, Quality that impacted you.

"Through an autobiography and/or fictional works, a reader can learn about the author's feelings." an account of a person's life written by that person: he gives a vivid description of his childhood in his autobiography.

        Writing Options- Choose one of the following:
1.   This is how I want you to remember me.
2.   This is who I am.
3.   Write a fiction story about… (Your story might have a character who is your alter ego.)
4.   Two people: inside/outside
5.   Squidville: Your ideal place to be like Willoughby

"The human spirit is challenged by internal and external challenges."

6.   Write a narrative about a moment in your life about when you were challenged by internal or external challenges. (Like Nicki Minaj song)

         You will plan a photograph that will illustrate your piece.
         We will shoot the picture in class.