Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Stage is Yours! (The next piece is due Feb. 3.)

The Stage is Yours!

The goal of this essay is for you to pick a topic of your choice and write an essay. The topic should be something you care about and something you think others would want to hear.  You will be reading the essay to the class for a presentation grade, so don't choose something that is too private. (Be sure the topic is appropriate.  Check with me if you are not sure.)

700 word check will happen around January 25
Final draft and readings begin on Friday, February 3

The main grade will be to have perfect spelling and very few grammar errors. 
(I am not looking for a long piece rather a well-written piece.)

___  500 - 800 words
___  Times New Roman sized 12 font
___  Multiple paragraphs
___  Introduction that used one of the 12 introduction types
___  Conclusion that summed up or wrapped up the piece
        Topic of your choice:
___        a. Narrative with a lesson from a moment in your life (narrative)
___        b. Essay expressing an opinion about an issue (persuasive)
___        c. Essay about a topic of interest (informative)  I.E. What if... What is...

___  On the back, write 50 - 100 words explaining the following:
            1. Why did you choose this topic?
            2. What did you want us to get from your piece?
            3. What other topics/ideas were you considering? 

       Two people proofread paper
___       Person one's signature _________________________
___       Person two's signature _________________________

       Paper was read aloud to someone
___       Person's signature  __________________________