Thursday, February 17, 2011

Interims are approaching. The rough draft MUST be turned in on-time!

There are only a few grades in the book right now due to the weather and other interruptions.  Right now we are spending our time focusing on how to write a sci-fi story.  We are not doing vocab, nor are we doing activities that are graded.  The grade on the story will be very big for this marking period.  If a student does not hand in a rough draft, the early grade will be affected greatly.

(The rough draft should be closer to a good draft than to a bunch of scattered notes and half-written pages.)

If you would like to help your child be prepared for a good grade, you could help him/her with a few things before the rough draft is handed in.  There should be at least 15 dialogue exchanges which are punctuated correctly.  The story should be a reasonable length with no grammar errors.  Ideally, the story should be gripping with a strong beginning and a clear author's purpose.  You can see examples of great stories at the bottom of the assignment page.