Monday, August 30, 2010

The first day of school 2010-2011

The new school year has started!  I am excited to get going.  Today I spent most of the time getting the students into their assigned seats and talking about my expectations.  My rules are posted on my walls: respect the property of others, be caring, be fair, be honest, be responsible, be honest, respect the rules, respect the feelings of others, respect people's differences, be helpful, and do what you think is best.

I also discussed what we will be studying this year: writing!  Everything I teach in my class is to improve their writing.  We will do Vocabulary Workshop, grammar, mechanics, and write a lot.  I will also be stressing perfect grammar more than I have in the past.  I believe that students are spending too much time writing in situations where imperfect grammar is accepted.  I believe this will impair their ability to use proper grammar when they need it.  One assignment they must complete this marking period is a 300-400 work piece that has not one single error. 

I will explain more tomorrow.  For now, welcome!  (Oh, and if you find an error in my daily blog and send me an e-mail, I will admit my mistake to the class!  Please, try to find them!)