Wednesday, April 13, 2016

test post

Something might be wrong.  Ignore this if it works.

Section 1 Parents- If you send in $6, I will buy copies of Night.

Section 1 parents, I had sent home a letter asking that students buy the book Night
(I pasted the letter below.)

Students said they are having trouble finding the book.  They also said it would be cheaper if they could just buy the book from me because of shipping.

If you send in $6, I will order the books using my Amazon Prime.  The shipping will be free, and the cost is only $6.  

I will order the books Monday, April 18.

I would prefer cash, but if you send a check, please make it out to me, NOT the school.


April 8, 2016

Dear Parents of Section 1 students,
            Each year in 8th Grade, we read the book Night by Elie Wiesel.  It is a powerful book about his experiences in the Nazi concentration camps. Along with reading the play The Diary of Anne Frank and watching the BBC’s production of the diary, Night provides first person insight into the struggles of Jews during World War II.  In this memoir, Wiesel recounts his struggles to not only stay alive but to hold onto his faith- in himself, his religion, and in humanity. The imagery he paints throughout leaves lasting impressions for the reader.  This book is his legacy, his contribution to this world, and we read it so that we never forget what happened nor allow it to happen again.
            The school has purchased class sets of the book, but I am asking that my students purchase their own book for two reasons.  The first reason is I think each student should have a copy of this book in his/her personal library.  It is a book that should be read many times as one gets older.  As we gain experience with life, the lessons in the book will become more relevant. 
            The other reason I would like students to purchase the book is so they can mark them up.  Reading literature for a class is an interactive process, one students will be doing frequently when they take AP classes in high school or literature classes in college.  I teach students how to actively read a text for a purpose.  Whether it is to explore themes, identify figurative language, or note personal reactions, marking the text creates ownership of the book.  The marked book then becomes their guide as the book is scanned for citations for an essay or read again for more depth.
            I am sure the books can be bought cheaply at Barnes and Nobles in the mall or at any major book retailer for around $6.  They can also be purchased online.  If you cannot afford one, your student is welcome to use the school’s copy; however, your student will have to take notes on paper.
            If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  If you have never read the book yourself, please buy yourself a copy and follow along with our lessons.  It is a powerful book, and it would be great if you could share your experiences reading the book with the class as well.

Bradford Bosler