Friday, June 08, 2012

The school year is done.

Some of you will be seeing these updates again next year because I am now one of the three 8th grade ELA teachers.  I guess 15 years in 7th grade is enough anyway.  It's time for something new.  It will be great having many of the same students again.  As challenging as the year was, the students made great strides, and for once I get to see where they go from here! See some of you in September.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Portraits continue!

So this is what the students see when they are getting their pictures taken.

Friday, June 01, 2012

I have started taking portraits.

Students are allowed to bring in clothes and props.  The pictures are supposed to represent the sentiments of their autobiographies.  After I take that picture, I look for other shots that make them look good. 

I will NOT post the pictures on a site.  I don't think that is responsible.

However, if a student wants his/her picture, he/she can send me an e-mail.  I will reply with the picture(s).